News about MSP

Saturday, July 21, 2012

I hate this chick f*** her!!

The fight started with both of my buddies and i realized that and i didn't want to be a bad friend by not stopping it so i said, "Guys stop or what ever just stop your both my buddies" Then they stop. Then she just decides it's okay to say that. Racist little piece of sh^t. Rott in h3ll. B*** F**** You. Annoying little dirty slut. Bully. Ik im sounding mean but this is our story: Okay so this girl i've had many encounters with her being a "spoiled princess", "Thinking she's so awesome cuz she's high lvl" "Spoiled brat" "The queen" "Drama queen" Cuz she's such a high level. I'm so pissed right now cuz she thinks she's so cool wen she's not. I keep seeing her at malls and she's always insulting me but y'know why i don't say anything back? Cuz i don't want to sink down to her awful level. But this time.. I just had to send something back.. but I didn't take a pic of it cuz it's censored XD 

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