News about MSP

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Making me quit.

Here's some of the chat we had the guy makin me quit. Thanks popit56. You have no brain nd ur a piece of bs. :| 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Glitch no X Out

Not letting me X Out!! >:|

Lmao This is Funny

Yesh, Yesh I am Writing This on My blog xD And i dont do this to people.. And i was about to forgive u right before u said that. >:| Now yur never gonna get My forgiveness, or my apolgy.
~XxhappyXx Post


Mah conversation W/ My friend xD Lmao 

Winner For Poll!

The winner is: Get to Know Them Then ask them out! That's wat i do! Don't worry, Im gonna put up the next poll soon.. Let me think XD


Listen guys, I Might Quit. it'S Not definite but i might cuz this dude keep makin fun of me and it's not cool. He sayin i go on al day and im Rotting my brain wen im not!! I Go on and off and it just happen i was on wen he was on And thought i was online all day! Idk what to do. I want to stay.. but he got me thinking i should quit! Idk what to do :'(. I Feel like.. He's tellign the truth. Please chat with me.. Im so confused and need friends comfort.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Friday, July 27, 2012

My old MSP life.

After. Right now im level 9.

Before.. This is wen i was around level 2 to 5 ish. I kinda miss the days wen my bff, aquaria went on. Im still bff's with her but she barely goes on. I Got this pic from a movie i was making a long time ago.. It was about all of my bffs, maxfan, aquaria, daniellehardy. I miss you guys! I Hope you remember me maxfan, and danielle.. Cuz i remember you!! And if you look at my first ab.. It has ALL of my friends i first made on MSP. But they dont go on anymore. And half of them.. IM NOT EVEN BUDDIES WITH!! I probably deleted them.. :( And they where good friends, And the first vip i met was gangsta bunny who is my inspiration (Aka Kayden) I love them so much!! And ana freeze too, I met both at the same time so they're my inspiration!!! (Btw, ik the animation im doing in before is new but i just started doing it so u can see my face)

I've been thinking of when i first joined MSP.. And now. I'm trying to remember my FIRST Best friend and my BEST bestfriend... (No offence to my other bffs) But.. Maxfan. I really do miss you.. And you NEVER Go on!! I Haven't seen you in ages! You showed me around MSP.. and also danielleHardy! I miss you guys. You two are really good friends.. And you never go on! And wen u do go on im too, "Busy" To answer your messages or hang out with you! I'm tearing up cuz im remembering when i first joined.. And my journey on MSP. Here's a before and after pic. 

Pumps gone?

Okay pumps gone?? Im like.. WTF?? PUMPS GONE?? If you see tanaman's and Donnie's movies.. Seems like the truth. Until.. Australia diamonds?? LMAO XD Such a lie. Now the buiss about pump being gone.. Check pumps new movie. It's all about a prank. She upset Tana before she left so that is why he probably pulled the prank. I Didn't believe the story for one min!! (Fine i admit i did) xD Well im gullible, Most like other ppl on msp who believed too. Pump promised us she'll never leave and it's true!! (And really donnie, garret, and tana..? ROFL Gone for 5 years cuz she banned) Lol. So pumps back!! Yay! Check the deats in her movie. LMAO Once again, *Pump Porter*
~XxhappyXx Post

Don't ask for wl's!!

Okay frm now on im not answering to people who asks for wl gifts K? Or anything. Cause im really upset >:|.

Less posting.

Sorry guys.. Sorry i haven't been posting for A LONG time. I've been going to camp for a while and doing some stuff after it and i've been busy. I'm not stopping the blog.. I'm just gonna post less. ~XxhappyXx

Sunday, July 22, 2012

New animations!

I Got everyone of the new animations: cuz they're so cool xD

New theme!

Don't forget to vote! Awesome new theme.!

The new clothes!! (:

Some of the hottest new girl clothes.. Don't forget to get them!

Chat glitch

Okay so it may be blocking it but, behind the thing that says: "See your conversation with hotmama4326" is the chat session. it wouldn't let me x out the chat session as you can see, There's no x button behind it. Grr i had to refresh cuz of it >:|

Saturday, July 21, 2012

He's back!!

He's back!! Check my older posts if you don't already know, Before at the mall chatroom chucky was here/There. And now he's back again freaking everyone out! Everyone's scared to hell xD. 
~XxhappyXx Post

I hate this chick f*** her!!

The fight started with both of my buddies and i realized that and i didn't want to be a bad friend by not stopping it so i said, "Guys stop or what ever just stop your both my buddies" Then they stop. Then she just decides it's okay to say that. Racist little piece of sh^t. Rott in h3ll. B*** F**** You. Annoying little dirty slut. Bully. Ik im sounding mean but this is our story: Okay so this girl i've had many encounters with her being a "spoiled princess", "Thinking she's so awesome cuz she's high lvl" "Spoiled brat" "The queen" "Drama queen" Cuz she's such a high level. I'm so pissed right now cuz she thinks she's so cool wen she's not. I keep seeing her at malls and she's always insulting me but y'know why i don't say anything back? Cuz i don't want to sink down to her awful level. But this time.. I just had to send something back.. but I didn't take a pic of it cuz it's censored XD 

Favorite game!

The winner for the favorite game was dress up! :D One of my fav games too.. Next to quiz. Thanks for voting! Now check out for the new poll: How to ask out a person! Don't forget to vote.! ^.^

Pumps gone):

As we all know, Pump is gone. (At least Most of us knew) Well, She's going for 5 years and coming back in 2017. But, i think She should stay on, or just leave for good. I'm not a hater just that.. She's going to be like in her 20's when she comes back and it's gonna be a bit weird cause you know.. This game is kinda meant for 9,10, 11, 12, 13, 14 or even 15 year olds.. Not really 23 year olds, or 24 year olds. It will be a bit awkward.. Same with donnie. He's gonna be in his 20's too and i think they're too old for the game and should just leave. Y'know? So anyway.. Pumps gone.. No hate on donnie and pump. You can get the updates at tanaman's movies To see what happening to pump. 
~XxhappyXx Post

Friday, July 20, 2012

Mean hater ):

This girl is so mean.. And really hurt me especially wen u start talking bout my skin tone. She's horrible. This girl should really get banned xD lol She wrote more than this but like.. Just incase there are little kids looking at this.. I won't put it on. And i wont put on wat i wrote back lol >.<
~XxhappyXx Post

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rude dude xD

So Mah friends bf proposed.. Then all of a sudden this guy starts acting like a b**** and stuff lol xD And he jus saying REJECTED! Wen mah friend didn't answer cuz she was on brb... And telling her bf tht they should fight and kept on punching him and trying to punch me lol in his dreams xD So This guys so rude dx
~XxhappyXx Post